Hello Doctor, Good Evening.
I am suffering from severe headache for the past 8 years. I am taking vasograin for the past 5 years when headache occurs. Initially this tablet was helpful and relieved from headache. But nowadays even I take this vasograin at the initial stage of headache when it comes, it is not reducing my headache. Previously I was taking 1 tablet at a time and nowadays I reduced to 1/2 tablet at a time as I am getting side effects by this tablet. And I am getting headache in the morning hours only around 10 am to 11 am frequently (means thrice a week. ie, monday, wednesday and saturday). If it comes it will take 6 to 8 hours for relieve from headache. No vomiting sense. Headache will come 95% on the upper place of the right side eye only. I checked with the eye power (-0.5) and wearing glass also. Checked eye pressure also. There is no issue with the eye. Then checked with the ENT. They informed that there is no issue with the ENT side. And finally comes to the Neuro Specialist. He suggested to take tablets regularly. But taking those tablets also giving side effects (like drowsiness, dizziness, cramps, etc). and my headache is not yet solved. Kindly help me. Thanks in advance. Waiting for your kind reply. Have a Great Day !!!