Hello, I am currently 19 years old and suffer from constipation . I eat a healthy diet and exercise daily. People always tell me how they go regularly which is considered 2-3 times daily. However, that has never been the case for me. Unless I drink coffee on an empty stomach or eat greasy food(rarely), I never feel the urge to go naturally! I could go 5 days without one bowel movement and it is starting to worry me. On days that I notice I haven t gone in a while, I will take a laxative and that sometimes will clean out my system. Sometimes when I do feel like I have to go, I can t. It should not be this much of a struggle to have a proper bowel movement. At this point, I think I may be beyond constipation. My friend had suggested some stool softeners, which I have never tried before. I have yet to see a doctor about it and will be calling soon. But in the mean time, I m very concerned. Do you have any ideas of what could be causing this or what could help my situation?