i took bhang(marijuana) thats too raw during a festival time.....that was my first time but took in large amount....i had to go through fearful situation...where everything seems to be repeating...that is all the emotions that is happines, sorrowness,sometime felt afraid even sometime felt like killing myself ... even the hands seems to be moving automaticaly and time seems to become slow and fast and as if this would never end and many more....and i can not control it....but i was alright after few hours...then began my jouney as usual occasionaly took beer(only) and cigerette too...but i am nt a heavy drinker or a chain smoker...then after a month and half when i drank fenny(a local made wine)...and when i thought about what happend to me then it seemz to be repeating the same way...on that day i could not sleep....and from that day till now it seemz i am under same cycle...taht is i get perfactly okay fr few hours then automaticaly the other part comes....though i try to ignore it thinking it might be psychological effect....but i dont think so because the other parts comes too...though in lesser amount...wkhen this thing happens i can feel the blood flow in my brain and in my heart...and my head becomes heavy and heart becomes weak....sometimes i can even feel something in my stomach(like squeezing)...and sometime i feel the movements are automatic ...i trried to it thinking itz psychological but it comes again ...itz like m following same cycle...though the feeling became very less right now but still there is,,,,,is it because ofsome amount rhat might be not properly digested or is it realy a psychological problem....ya i think its somewhat psychological becoz the effects come thinking this will never end and i am going to be mad...but according to me this feeling comes due to the cycle...it forces me to think...