infection during pregnancy is not known to put your unborn baby at any risk. Pregnant women may be able to avoid taking medicines to treat threadworms by using strict hygiene measures to clear themselves. Threadworms already in the bowel die within approximately six weeks. If you or someone you live with is diagnosed with threadworms, the following measures should be followed strictly for at least six weeks to ensure that you do not swallow any new eggs:
• Wash all soft toys, clothes, bed linen and night clothes in one go. Avoid shaking these items as you handle them and wash your hands carefully afterwards.
• Regularly vacuum and damp-dust your home, particularly the bedrooms.
• Regularly clean the kitchen and bathroom thoroughly.
• Don’t eat in the bedrooms.
• Keep fingernails short and avoid putting your (or your children’s) fingers in your mouth.
• Ensure everyone washes their hands frequently and scrubs under fingernails, particularly before eating, after going to the toilet, and after changing nappies.
• Wear close-fitting underwear at night and change your underwear every morning.
• Bathe or shower each morning and do not share wash cloths or towels.
• Keep toothbrushes in a closed cupboard and rinse before use.
All the best