Hi Welcome to HCM
This is Dr Suchda Naturopath -
Homeopath - Magneto therapist went through your query found the details about your BP . This reading you have given , must be along with medication you are taking since last 2 years.
I have observed that your BP is quite controllable .
Now you want some alternative therapy to take over . No harm in this .
In the beginning you can add it to your present medication ---
1. I will suggest you to take fresh garlic about 3 gm . Cut into small pieces , swallow with glass of water early morning . 3 gm of it made paste ,take with buttermilk in lunch .
Garlic is an excellent drug which alleviates vayu tatv (Gas) and promotes strength of nervous system .
Sarpgandha in another remedy for lowering of Blood pressure cooling of nerves brain you can take 1 tablet 2 times a day .
After taking above regime for 15 days you can give your present medication amiss for 2 days and check your BP FOR 2 - 3 DAYS . IF IT COMES INTO RANGE -110/ 80 , you need not worry about it .
Give info to you Doctor about your remedy you are following .
Along with that you have to take care of your diet --add fiberous food, fruit -banana, guava, orange ,apple veges
A tea spoonful of almond oil in hot cup of Milk at bed time soothes the nerves and helps bring down the BP .
Avoid salt ,fats ,cakes and cookies
Take lot of water
Exercise -- long walk , Pranayam - Deep Breathing ,Anulom vilom ,Bhramari
Avoid heavy exrcise
Keep your calm in any circumstances No late nights permited .
Early to bed and early to rise --- should be followed
Regularity in meals , exercise & rest and evacuating bowels should be maintained .
By following above regimen you will certainly achieve what you want
If you are keen to stop medication you have to come back to nature.
Hope this will help you find you reply .
All the best .Get well soon .
Don't hesitate to come back if have any further query