Hello Dr, Grief. I appreciate your time in answering my questions. I am a long term user of quazepam ( Doral 15mg). Apparently this medication is no longer manufactured in the United States. However, through web searches. (Wikipedia) , I have found the following: Quazepam is unique amongst benzodiazepines in that it selectively targets the GABAA a1 sub unit receptors which are responsible for inducing sleep. Its mechanism of action is very similar to zolpidem and zaleplon in its pharmacology and can successfully substitute for zolpidem and zaleplon in animal studies.[6][7][8] First question, since Quazepam targets the GABAAa1 Receptors, and I function perfectly well on this medication, either my nervous system is not producing GABAAa1 (or the chemical produced in the body that binds with this site), or my nervous system is not up taking it. So, what is supposed to be occurring that quazepam takes the place of? Second question: are there any medications that can do the same job as quazepam? If so, what are the names of them? Third Do you know whether either Zolpidem or Zaleplon is available in the USA? If so where? Thanks, Karl