You have to avoid fava beans, blue berries, all legumes, yoghurts containing blueberries, soya products, tonic water, henna and red wine with
G6PD deficiency. Cornmeal, cornstarch, processed tomato, processed meat, bottled lemon and lime juice, tea, fish, shellfish, prepared potatoes, prepared rice and noodle mixes, canned, frozen or dried fruits and vegetables, fresh grapes, vinegar, jams, juices, lettuce are some foods where you find the sulfites that can act as triggers. Since I have given you so much list, I think you can pick what you can eat without eliciting any reaction. You should avoid sweet corn and hummus also. Please get regular follow up, supplement protein, iron, B-complex and minerals in other possible ways. Beware of medications to be avoided; it is always better to carry a list of food and drugs unsafe for use. Take rest in left lateral position. Have regular sonograms. Hope this helps.