Hi welcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query .I can understand your concern for your daughter
.It would have helped prescribing a remedy if age ,length of suferring , lifstyle
were given ? and situation and stage of her problem?Besides
constipation .
Any way , as
whooping cough, is a very contagious bacterial infection of the
respiratory tract. and she already took antibiotics for whooping cough Supplements, herbs, and
homeopathy may help her further, to get better faster when used along with conventional medications.
"magnitude of the survival advantage from improved nutrition can even be greater than the magnitude of the treatment effects being targeted in current clinical drug trials ."
In fact ,I am of the opinion that getting adequate amounts of vitamins specially D & C, minerals and other nutrients through lifestyle changes, such as a healthy natural diet including more of fiber ,green leafy veges ,citrus fruit ,minerals ,vitamins and lot of water Antioxidants like ginger ,garlic ,lemon jiuice with warm water , ,Turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk gives resistance from diseases .
Eating small meals every couple of hours to keep up energy and replenish nutrients
drinking plenty of clear water
Avoid milk, butter, margarine, vegetable shortening, cheese, red meat, and sugar ,chicken skin , all phlegm producuing ingeredients . avoid lying flat, which can aggravate whooping cough spasms, and avoiding chills and drafts, ,
Mental worry ,anxiety ,anger induce hopelessness , should be avoided at any cost . So should be avoided constipation .
1. Gargles with salty luke warm water (body Temprature ) ,and
2. Kunjal - Drink4-5 glasses of salty luke warm water ,empty stomach , hold for a minute - shake your tummy -vomit and force vomit .
3. Neti -- salty luke warm water applied to both nasal cavities and cleaned turn by turn , lighten the burden of phlegm giving healthy feeling .
helps melting your phlegm from bronchial tubes
Give her
Homeopathic remedy according to her symptpms .
Aconite -- when individuals with a hoarse, dry, cough who complain of
dry mouth, thirst,
restlessness, worsened symptoms from cold air or lying on the side, and being awakened from the cough.
Drosera -- is appropriate for individuals who tend to be hoarse, become worse when lying down, and perspire during the night.
Bryonia -- for painful cough with a marked tendency to hold their chest or hold something to the chest when coughing . Helps for constipation also .
If constipation persists Anima can be given with ,salty luke warm water .
Can give her grated ginger or juice of ginger in honey with a pinch of black pepper is very soothing .
Above regimen and Proper exercise from head to toe ,brisk Walk , yoga , pranayam deep breathing & proper rest , sufficient sleep can boost immunity , and strengthening our system ,paving way for perfectly healthy ,disease free , blissful life ahead .
The condition is Regularity
Always talk with your doctor if you are using alternative therapies in addition to medication .
Hope this helps you in solving your query Take care .All the best
Don't hesitate to get back for further query .