1. since you have checked with doctors, thus treatment and management in Ayurveda is directed towards 'Ananat vaat'.
2. Since symptoms of pain in scalp/eyes/jaws are route of
Trigeminal Nerve, thus even if opinion is favorable, we have to manage the disease, according to the symptoms present, and Stepwise Management which I usually follow is/are:
i. Since no known clinical/laboratory tests can confirm
trigeminal neuralgia.It may be necessary to order an
MRI [but since it shows normal blood supply] treatment will depend upon 'atypical facial pain' 3
ii. rub onion paste to opposite feet.
iii. put 2-3 drops of coconut water into nose.
iv. put 4-5 drops of lime juice into opposite side
nostril. . Grapes [specially riped] are an effective home remedy,
PS. crush ripe grapes and drink [do not add water] . Prescription Medicines which
v. You can ask for: sudhanidhi ras, Sameer panag ras, vaat vidhvansan ras, sarpagandha ghan vati, brahmi/mayur ghrita, errhine therapy
3. Take: old brown rice, brinjal,mango,pomegranate,black grapes,garlic,milk, coconut water, home made butter, black sesame, head-
massage, adequate mental rest
Avoid: moong/arhar dal, peas,chick-pea,jamun,bitter gourd,heavy food,excess physical-mental exertion,long night awakening, not eating balanced diet.