1. since you have the said problem for the last 20 years, thus steps are to be taken to eradicate the disease or alleviate the symptoms, in Ayurveda the problem is managed on the basis of "PRANVAHA SROTAS VYADHI"
Asthma is a psycho-somatic [mind-body disease] disorder, thus calming of mind is very important: thus Medhya Drugs [
brahmi vati and sarpagandha ghan vati] to be taken at bed time.
2.Deep breathing exercises.They help increase lung capacity and also create awareness of the lungs and breathing process.
3.Avoid deep fried, sour food/fruits, too
cold food.
4.Take warm drinks often like tea, coffee, soups
5. For Breakfast and snacks: bread sdandwiches, idli,
corn flakes, biscuits,sweet fruits like apple,mango,papaya and dry fruits
6.For meals: roti, chapati,palak,methi,cabbage,salads(beet,carrot,cucumber)
7.Cooking should use minimum oils.
8.Avoid heavy meals,eat small frequent meals and take early dinner, keep bowel movement regular.
9. If you are unable to find Bharangyadi Kashya, try asking for
shringya adi ghrita, shwas kas chintamani ras
10.mix powdered salt and karpoor in warm ghee and
massage between the shoulder blades