Hello dear,
I understand your concern.
In my opinion your
ultrasound report is normal but for small fibroid which also might not be the reason for your failure of pregnancy.
Actually there is nothing to worry in your case as you are just married 6 months back and you can try for natural pregnancy for another 6 months.
Because usually infertiliy treatment is started if pregnancy doesn't occur even after 1 year of
unprotected intercourse.
But meanwhile rule out the reasons for
irregular periods like any thyroid abnormalities,
overweight or obesity,anaemia,stress etc.
Weight reduction in case of overweight or obesity helps in regularisation of periods.
Avoid stress and anxiety as they cause hormonal imbalance and delay
fertility further.
If all the above causes are ruled out the delay can be attributed to stress induced hormonal imbalance.
Adapt healthy lifestyle like exercise and healthy nutritional diet daily.
I suggest you to consult gynaecologist regarding medicines for periods as the pregnancy test is negative.
Regular intercourse increases the conception chances.
Nothing to worry as such.
Hope this helps.
Best regards.....Dr.Srilatha