Thanks for contacting healthcare magic.
You are taking metrozil that cause a
constipation problem. Inform your doctor about your constipation problem.
Do some diet modifications like. ....
Drink more water per day.
Take high fiber foods like black beans, whole grain red.....
Eat fresh ftuits and green vegetables.
Avoid fatty foods and oily foods.
Avoid alcohol drinking and smoking.
Avoid gaseous foods like cabbage, cauliflower etc. ....
Regularly do exercise.
Stool softner can use if constipation not relief by diet modifications. Bulk forming agent like
psyllium or methyl cellulose can use for relief of constipation under doctor's suggestion.
You have problem of constipation that mostly because of
metronidazole drugs.Inform your doctor.
ultrasound sonography is helpful.
I hope my guidance is helpful to you.