my doctor prescribed me norethistherone ed me to take it for 3 weeks and then stop for a week, I will get a period then and after a week start it again for another three weeks. I started taking these tablets on the 23rd June, but I thought I had to take one tablet a day, I only discovered today that I had to take three tablets a day. I took one this morning and just took another one now, I missed one this afternoon as I was still under the impression that I had to take one a day. So today, in total I have taken two a day. I still have a another week to go before I stop these tablets, but now im having heavy bleeding with clots(A period) so I continue taking the tablets for the remaining week and following the instructions of my doc now by taking one three times daily? or do I now stop this and contact my doctor as I now have heavy bleeding and clots. will the bleeding stop. I was anemic, two weeks ago and had a blood transfusion and im scared this will afcfect me. please help.