I have gone through your query and can understand your concern..
As per your query it seems that you have acne still present as well as there are also acne scars on your face..
Firstly I would like to tell you that acne can be very much improved with medications [oral as well as topical] while scars if present as deep craters or holes cannot be completely filled up and needs certain treatments like dermal rollers, fractional carbon-dioxide laser,
microdermabrasion etc..
In case if there are pimples still present you can wash your face with
salicylic acid containing face wash, apply
benzoyl peroxide and clindmycin gels over the pimples.
You can exfoliate your skin twice a week with a mild scrub, do cold compresses, take
multivitamin supplements and avoid oily foods.
Limit sun exposure and always apply sunscreen lotion while going into sun..
In case if there is nu improvement in one month
consult a dermatologist and get evaluated and he can advise you to take
oral antibiotics like Muricoprin, minocycline and retinoids like
Isotretinoin oral and topical adapelene gel and azelic acid containing ointments..
He can also advise you to get the scars treated with the techniques as I described above and will be decided according to the type of scars present..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.