Hello, Thanks for your query.
After going through your query I came to know that you had injury in your lower leg right at the ankle in the front last week.
It seems to me
soft tissue injury.But x-ray of ankle and leg should be done to exclude
Whether you have fever , if fever think about cellulitis(infection)
Its treatment assuming soft tissue injury is rest to part(immobilization). Putting ice is OK . You should not use it till it pains.
Leg should be keep elevated on pillow to reduce swelling.
Analgesic such as
diclofenac will be of use for pain.Sometimes strong analgesics such as
tramadol is given if pain is more.
You can take vitamin B-complex and C to promote healing.
Eat fruits and green leafy vegetables daily.
You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it.
I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.