You may be experiencing signs of a spreading infection related to a tooth. Have you had a recent dental exam? I suggest taking an x-ray of that side of your mouth and checking for any active dental infections. Your history of blisters are possible from a virus,
allergic reaction or even a fistula draining from an infection. Often a bubble will form on the gum and drain. The pressure builds up and the bubble reappears. If it does not drain pressure will build up. Often systemic effects can give you symptoms. Try to take some anti-inflammatory medication such as
Tylenol or
Advil. Your
dentist will prescribe a prescription antibiotic if necessary. Dental infections Can often be treated with a
root canal or extraction. There are periodontal conditions that can cause infection as well. A growth or
tumor cannot be ruled out. Wisdom teeth can appear as a hard lump in this location.
Consider having a physical with routine blood testing. This will give you a complete diagnosis and allow proper treatment to be determined. Your multiple symptoms raise a concern of a systemic infection. Maintain a proper diet with balanced
vitamins, keep well hydrated and practice good daily dental hygiene. Warm salt water rinses may send your gums.
Thank you for your inquiry. Your full medical and dental history will be important to discuss with your physician and dentist. I hope you find my suggestions useful.