Here’s my situation. About a week ago I was preparing to see my girlfriend after not seeing her for over a week so I decided to take ½ of a Viagra. While she was on top of me, about 5 minutes into our session, we both felt an enormous amount of warm liquid flow between us. My immediate thought that it was her releasing fluids but it turned out to be me bleeding from my penis. Of course we were both in panic and knew something was definitely wrong. The bleeding stopped after just a few minutes so I proceeded to get myself cleaned up while she cleaned up the blood from the bed, carpet and bathroom. She insisted that we go to the ER immediately but of course I said let’s just wait and see. So we watched TV for an about an hour and then decided to go to sleep. About 3am the next morning I woke up to find myself soaked in blood again. Again, I went into the bathtub to get cleaned up. Note that I did not have an orgasm before the first incident. I vaguely remember being somewhat hard when I woke up from the second incident. Also note that after both times I was able to urinate without any pain and there was no sign of blood in my urine. After the second time I agreed to go to the ER. Vitals were fine and the doctor on call could not detect an apparent damage on the outside. He ordered and urinalysis and the results did not show anything serious other than a few blood cells which they said was just residual fluid from earlier. He then consulted with the urologist on call and they set me up for some dye and pressure test to see if there were any tears in the urethra. The urologist said everything looked good but there was a small tear but not significant enough to require and surgery or treatment. He said that it should heal by itself and to contact them if I experience any further bleeding. That was Sunday/Monday. It’s now Saturday and I have not experienced any pain or discomfort of any kind except for some minor soreness from the catheter that they used in radiology. So last night I decided to give things a test run before I involve my girlfriend in any type of sexual activity. I fired up a good DVD and after just a few minutes started to become erect. Before I was fully erect I again started to bleed from my penis. This time is not nearly as much as the previous times but still enough to freak me out. Once again, I cleaned up and went to sleep with no further bleeding. This morning (Saturday) I decided to try again in the bathtub thinking maybe I finally was able to expel any blood that been backing up from nearly a week ago. Well, this time I did not even become fully erect but was able to ejaculate. Everything looked normal with not sign of blood. So that’s it. I’m confused as to what’s happening. Due to the tear the Dr. mentioned, should I expect to start bleeding every time I become erect? Will this condition ever dissipate? Should I return to the Urologist and explain my situation. Please, any advice would be much appreciated. Regards