Ok, here's my situation. Recently I have noticed strange bumps on my penis that look like mosquito bites, and that makes sense because I tend to leave the door and windows open and mosquitos are known to fly around my house sometimes. Anyways, I noticed the first one around the beginning of this month, which healed up totally. I figured it was mosquito bites because sometimes I tend to be nude while sleeping or during the day. I had a sexual encounter with an old friend shortly after that, and about 2-3 days later I noticed more about 3 more strange bumps, which are currently healing. Again, they look like mosquito bumps. Now, I know you're thinking STD, and that's what I'm thinking, except for the fact that I've been having sex with this friend for years and nothing like this has ever happened before. She actually has hormone problems because she doesn't get enough sex and she has trouble ovulating. I have no other symptoms, and everything else is fine. No burning, no itching, I just put Cortaid and Hydrogen Peroxide on it and watch it's progress. I do have a cat in the house, which I just recently deshed today and she hasn't been wearing a collar for fleas and ticks for the past few months.