Hello welcome to healthcare magic. Weigh gain is easy when compared to losing it. It will take time to lose weight so you have got to have patience and should have to follow a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Cardio exercise should be for 45min 6 times a week, like brisk walking, running, jogging, swimming. Strength training is very important to build muscle.it should be 4 or 5 times a week. Do
abdominal exercises, crunches, squats, suryanamaskara. Remember it takes long time to lose fat in tummy.
Shall give you sample
diet plan.
Early mng.. 1 cup green tea or luke warm lime water with out salt
Brkfst. 8am.. . Oatmeal or brown bread or egg white omlette with veggies or broken wheat upma or 2 idli with sambar + 1 fruit except mango, chickoo, banana, custard apple+ 2 egg white boiled.
Mid mng 11am.. 1 glass of butter milk and 1 cup of sprouts mixed with fruit salad
Lunch 2pm... big bowl of raw salad + dal + vegetable curry + 2 chapati or 1 cup of brown rice or ragi ball
5pm.. 1 cup of mixed boiled vegetables + green leafy vegetable boiled.
8pm.. grilled chicken breast
10pm .. 1 glass of butter milk or coconut water.
Drink minimum 3 lit water daily , have 6 to 8 hrs sound sleep. Dont take
carbohydrate food after 5pm. Avoid junk foods, sweets, chocolates, ice creams, soft drinks, alcohol, deep fried foods. Follow this 3 month s then you can notice
weight loss.
Good luck