Hello. I will attempt to provide some general recommendations without any lab work available to me, history of antibiotic use and any current medications, current diet, supplements, gaining or losing weight . . .the first rule of
wound healing is to keep it clean and keep it covered from the environment (bugs, dirt ); you may cleanse it with peroxide diluted with water if still greatly infected, again I cannot see wound, whether tunneling or superficial. Culture? Is it Methycillin Resistant Staphyloccus or MRSA? Need more information. Diet: One high in lean
proteins, lots of water - 10 glasses per day, fresh fruits, vegetables, calcium source or in other words, a balanced diet adequate in calories to avoid
weight loss with 1 g protein per kg of body weight. Wash everything his wound comes in contact with in hot water, bleach if possible. I can't say any more without knowing more about his case. I hope I have helped somewhat. Thank you for coming to HCM. Kathy Shattler, MS,RDN