Hello, let me begin by telling you that treatment of
acne scars is undertaken only when there is no active acne, or the
pimples subside completely
Now for subsidence of pimples, ur treatment history is mentioning only 2 meds- melawash face wash, and minoz-od 100 mg
Minoz-od is fine, u need a course for atleast 3 months with the same but melawash isnot a face wash for acne, instead use brevoxyl creamy wash..Also apply Deriva-MS gel on the lesions at night..Take cap Triomega 1 cap bd for atleast 4 weeks.
As far diet in acne is concerned, avoid foods with high
glycemic index, especially the junk foods..fruits and green leafy vegetables are anyways good for the skin and should take ample amounts.
Also, u need to stick to a
dermatologist for any improvement, say for 3 months, as it takes some time for meds to take their effect.
Take care