Hello thanks for choosing HCM for your health related queries
You have been diagnosed with
Bipolar disorder, Social anxiety, severe GAD or generalised anxiety. You took medicines like Lithium, Fetzima, Clonazepam, Clonidine, Hydroxyzine,
Dextroamphetamine etc. Still you have high anxiety and you are not able to leave house. You can't talk to anyone due to social anxiety and have dark depression.
As per my opinion as the medicines are not working properly so there is need to add some supplementary medicine. SSRIs like Sertraline, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine along with medicines like bupropion, lamotrigine, mirtazapine can help to reduce
severe depression and anxiety. Along with medicines I would also advise you to go for Cognitive
Behaviour Therapy and relaxation exercises. In CBT individuals abnormal cognitive distortions are corrected and this helps in improvement of symptoms. Both medicinal and psychological treatment in combination helps in improvement of symptoms. Visit your
psychiatrist and discuss about your clinical symptoms.
Thanks, hope this helps you.