Dear Sir/ Madam,, Please advise for the good diet plan my height is 5.7 Ft and weight 72 kg and my current diet is morning in breakfast I will take con flex with honey but milk and I am concern about lunch and dinner as I stay far from my family and could not take proper diet as expected, well in lunch i will have rice gravy, chicken and bit veggie salad and In dinner I will take 2 chapati or rice with any veg gravy which i will cook with my friends, as even we are new to cook some healthy recepies, so i want something that without cooking, I can get good intake, can I have two times con flex in breakfast and dinner and if i avid rice then will it effect, and always I will be feeling very week specially when I am working, so any extra thing to have or drink so that i will be always active, I am unmarried yet, and I am not going for exercise but soon planning.. Please advise