Hello dear
Understand your concern.
you can use gynecologist prescribed Mifeprex abortion kit.
Better to consult the gynecologist.
As using abortion kit at home can cause complication.
Kit contain five tablet-
One tablet of Mifepristone 600 mg (One tablet) take orally after meal
After 24 hr of oral tablet, put four tablet of
misoprostol in to vagina under the supervision of gynecologist
With in 1-2 hours of punting tablet in to vagina , bleeding will come out and that is conception product/embryo.
If withdrawal bleeding will not come , double dose may be needed in some case
Slight Bleeding and
abdominal cramp may continue for 4-6 days.
Follow up USG is needed to confirm the
incomplete abortion.
After using kit take following advice:
Proper rest
meftal spas Healthy diet with adequate vitamin and mineral supplemets
Drink lots of drinks
Relaxation and stretching exercise
Take fruits like papaya, orange and pineapple
Maintain pelvic hygiene
Wear pure cotton loose inner wear
Use safer sex practice to avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Also check for foul smelling
vaginal discharge for infection.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar