Hi I masturbated with shampoo as lube like 5 days ago, pretty rough. The morning after I saw that the head of my penis was red and irritated and it did not hurt at all it just a bit itchy. Then the tip of my foreskin and my ballsack became crunchy and white stuff were being developed on it like a sunburn I can kinde peal it off. So I read some stuff online and just kept it clean and I used no more shampoo. So the irritation went away and the head became riggly (if that make any sense), also I was able to peal of some skin off the head and forekskin (I decided not to, because I was kinda afraid). The day after I could see and feel that my frenulum was irritated, swollen and red. It hurts quite a lot if I pull my foreskin back (I think there is a tiny cut in it). The crunchy tip of my foreskin and ballsack and that white stuff on my ballsack and penis are still present, but I can hardly clean it all because I cannot pull my foreskin back without pain. So 2 days later everything is about the same I try to clean it by pulling my foreskin very gently back, but I cannot clean everything. So I don t really know what to do because preferably I do not want to go to a doctor or buy any sort of medicine. I just want to know if all of this stuff could go away eventually, just by cleaning it and waiting it out. Thanks in advance.