I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns.
As per your complain it seems that pain in ear as well as feeling of something inside the ear can be due to thick layer of
ear wax that might have accumulated in the ear.
There is a possibility that you have pushed the wax further deeper while trying to remove it and pushing it close to
Loss of hearing as well as popping can be due to infection or
injury to the eardrum while trying to clean with ear buds..
I would suggest you to consult an Otolaryngologist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and otoscopic examination can help..
In case of ear wax removal will be done by the physician..
In case of damage to ear drum or infection antibiotic, anti-inflammatory painkiller, decongestants and
steroids can be advised to you..
Antibiotic ear drops can be given to you..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.