Hi , Welcome to HCM
This is Dr Suchda handling your query to take care of your problem. I am concerned about your 6 years old daughter . I wonder how she picked up this problem .
. Reply to these questions are required for correct diagnosis
Any discharge from nose ? or throat ? if yes ,color ? normal or strigy
Any history of Tonsils
Thin or flabby , dull or active
Any way , I would suggest you to take care of her intake of diet , soups , full of fruit salad
Antioxydents , Lemon juice in water with little honey .
She should not suffer from
constipation . Inculcate regular bowl practice.
Gargles with salty luke warm water , Kunjal - drink 2-3 glasses of same water and vomit Neti - take same water through nose and push it out with force
A Home reedy also works wonders / Take 1/2 spoon of Ajwain (Bishop's seeds)tie in corner of a hanky . Rub this potly in palm and ask her to sniff in several times a day it also relieves blockage of nose .
Give her
Homeopathic Nux Vomica 30 / 4 pills twice a day 3 days /Again 4 pills once a day for 3 days /after 3 days gap .
Histamine 200 4 pills weekly dose for three weeks
This treatment will help the child recover fast . without any side effects . Last but not the least ask her to do Anulom Vilom and simple Deep Breathing Inhale -Hold - Exhale - Hold - Inhale .
I will like to know the progress after a week of treatment .
Keep in touch of your local practitioner , or also take 2nd opinion on the issue if required
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query . God bless her
All the best