Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
When you are a teenager, the hormones of
puberty cause increased oil production and can cause blocked pores. On the face, this causes acne; and in other areas of the body where thicker hair grows, such as the armpits, pubic area, buttocks and inner thighs, you can get similar bumps that have a white or yellow head and look red like a boil. There is no reason to suspect that you have any kind of
STD if you are not sexually active.
The same medications that treat acne will help dry up the bump. Do not continue to try to pop it, that can cause infection and make the
redness worse. Applying cream such as Clearasil, or another cream or ointment that is used to treat
pimples, to the area at least twice daily will help the boil dry up in a few days. Soaking in a hot tub or putting hot moist cloth on the area will also reduce the swelling and help the pus drain.
If you continue to get these
boils regularly, using a body wash or soap that is antibacterial or designed for acne will help prevent the boils from coming back.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that this information was helpful.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown