Thanks for your query.
Noted the history about your 6 year old daughter having water based and jelly like
diarrhea for 7 days, cultures negative, passing 15-20 stools per day, developing dark purple circles around eyes, becoming pale, given liquids and increased to proteins and carbohydrates as per the advise of the Doctor, wants to know whether just a virus ...
As per the history you have provided, this looks to be
viral gastroenteritis with effects of
malnutrition as nothing will be absorbed in sufficient quantity as the transit time is so less in such cases.
I would advise her the following:
Imodium under the guidance of your Doctor to stop the loose stools.
Admit her for additional investigations of Serum Electrolytes and to replace intravenous fluids and electrolytes as per the reports of investigations.
Continue probiotics, multivitamins
Give activated
charcoal tablets.
Banana and curds.
Keep her admitted till she is recovered well.