Today I went to my family doctor to get a physical and tb test for a new job. during that appointment, my doctor looked into my ears, eyes, mouth, etc. while looking into my ears she said they were impacted with a lot of wax and that she couldn t even see my eardrums. so she had the nurse irrigate them. (flush warm water and peroxide into them). this. hurt. like. hell. which I was not expecting. I jumped from the pain and she said.. oh I ll be write back. that s when I saw the blood. the doctor came back in after talking to an ENT (ear nose and throat specialist) said I have an appointment in 2 weeks with him and prescribed me ear drops until then because they think my ear is infected? I ve had 0 symptoms of middle of canal ear infections. so basically I went to the doctor with nothing wrong, and left panicked, bleeding, and in pain. has anything like this happened to you or anyone you know? I m freaking out. and by the way- the wax is STILL IN THERE.