firstly blood pressure is catagorised in these catagories
normal bp is less then 120/80
pre hypertensive stage is 120 to 139/80 to 89
grade 1
hypertension (mild ) is 140 to 159/90to 99
grade 2 hypertension (moderate) is 160 to 179/100 to 109
grade 3 hypertension (severe) is 180 and above/110 and above
your daisyolic bp whether it is 90 or 88 or 82 falls under prehypertensive stage
so right now for treatment of prehypertensive stage life style modification is advocated
do strenous exercise daily for atleast 45min a day
take low salt diet
drink plenty of water
add fibres in your diet
if not controlled in 3months then medication will be added
but if your diastolic bp is more then 90mm of hg then you should add tab
amlodipine 5mg once daily
and monitor bp every third day and keep a record