Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read your question and I understand your concern .
I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion .
You should know that this fast heart beats has to do with rhythm issues. There might be different electrical rhythm issues that might coise fast heart beats.It might be just a
sinus tachycardia meaning that the heart beats in normal sinus rhythm over 100 beat for minute.It might be an extra sistolic beat that you experience like a palpitation kr fllutering sensation.Or it might be a different kind of arythmia like atrial
fibrillation , supra
ventricular tachycardia ect meaning that the heart beats in a chaotic way not in normal sinus rhythm.
The causes might be different to simple stres to different pathologys like anemia ,
hyperthyroidism , electrolyte imbalances,
cardiovascular disease.
If I was your treating doctor I will recommend some examination like an electrocardiogram, a cardiac echo, a full blood analyze to exclude anemia , hyperthyroidism and a holter rhythm monitoring to evaluate your rhythm tendency.
Only after this we can better understand what we are dealling whith and how to treat it.
Hope I was helpfull.
Best regards, Dr.Ervina.