Welcome to HCM
Hair loss can be due to many reasons such as low
haemoglobin ,
thyroid problem, nutritional deficiencies,uncontrolled
dandruff problem ,
stress, excessive use of chemical hair products , chemical hair treatments etc.
Start ,Cap
Adgain plus ,one a day after food for 3 months.
Tugain 5% hair solution ,two times per day on scalp
Apply Densuex hair growth serum at night time on scalp
Use Triclenx hair shampoo for regular use.
Tab Ener C 1000 mg ,dissolvable tab early morning
Include green leafy vegetables ,fresh fruits n juices in your diet,drink 2-3 lit of water daily,exercise 45 min daily
For further doubt please write to us.(there is no side effect of hair supplements)
thank you