Thanks for your query.
Noted the history related to your Mother who underwent
kidney transplant on April 2012.
She is now having loose motions for the last week. Getting controlled with Enteroquinol, otherwise comes up again. Wants to know the cause and the medicines.
The cause is obviously an intestinal infection with
I would advise you the following:
First of all get her stool tests done.
Tests of blood and urine, routine and specific as per the clinical evaluation by her Doctor.
To get a 5 day course of an antibiotic and
metronidazole and see the results.
If alright, need to concentrate on hygiene of the food and fluids she is taking, It should be fresh home prepared and the water to be treated and consumed.
If there is no complete relief, let further tests be done or if the problem is recurrent.
Colonoscopy should be done.
Take proper clinical evaluation by her treating Physician as she has the kidney transplant.