Hi thanks for contacting health care magic....
You have
diarrhea and stomach pain....
You sees to be having severe
You are given correct antibiotic that is broad spectrum covering antibiotic....
Intravenous it is given for 3 days....And then oral antibiotic for 5 days...
Weakness is because of
dehydration and lost electrolytes....
So maintain hydration with more water and ORS .....
Probiotics can be taken....
Small meal taken with frequent interval....
Soft and bland diet taken...
As fecal
leukocytes positive it is infective diarrhea and so antibiotic given....
If still no benefit then stool culture needs to be done and according to sensitivity report antibiotic given....
If still problem not resolved then
colonoscopy might done...
Physician will check your hydration status and then will discharge you.
Don't worry.
Take care....