Hi, Thanks for your query.
After going through your query I came to know that you had right shoulder and severe
chest injury. You has difficulty in breathing.
It seems to me
soft tissue injury . But X-ray should be done to exclude
Whether you have fever ? if fever is not there then,no need to worry.These injuries are slow to heal , may took 2-3 weeks time to heal.
Its treatment assuming soft tissue injury is rest to part. Putting ice is OK .
Breathing excercises are of use to reduce pulmonary congetion.
You are already taking
ibuprofen , if pain relief not there by it then strong
analgesic such as tramadol can be taken.
You can take vitamin B-complex and C to promote healing.
Eat fruits and green leafy vegetables daily.
You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it.
I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.