Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
The history of one and half months diarrhea is suggestive that you may be suffering from IBS-
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
*Routine blood investigations like Complete blood picture, blood sugar, urea,
creatinine, liver function tests,
thyroid function tests.
*Urine -routine and microscopy
*Stool: routine, microscopy, occult blood, culture and sensitivity.
Ultrasonography of abdomen,
Colonoscopy All these investigations should be within normal limits for one to say you have IBS.
''STRESS'' = stress is the most important cause of IBS. Please remember and you must have observed that when you do not have stress your problem with IBS is reduced
Change of lifestyle.
I think 'may be' you are not coping with something.
Vacation outside of your area, mobiles phones to be off.
You must have noticed already that these changes help a lot.
Try to avoid anything which you are / have to do against your will and wish. Get into the hobbies which make you forget the world around you. Life comes only once, boss.