Hello dear user!
Welcome to HCM, thank you for sharing your concerns with us!
I understand your concerns you are describing.
Intetrix is not a reasonable medication in your case. It is a drug that is used to treat
amebiasis and it is not used without having a result of your stool analysis that confirms that infection.
In my opinion you don't have to use it!
It seems you have a gastric or intestine intolerance of red beans.
An inflammation of your
gastric mucosa must be taken into consideration too.
To manage this situation I would recommend you:
- Mezym F, or
Simethicone tablets to reduce gas production.
Ranitidine twice daily to reduce
gastric acid, and improve the gastric function.
- Avoid, fats, spicy foods, salty foods, and this kind of beans since you know they make you feel bad.
Take care and i wish you a good health!