I had a root canal two weeks ago after throbbing/hot and cold sensitivity and chewing pain in molar#3. 3 days later, the chewing pain came back and was still throbbing. One week after the root canal, I saw the endodontist again.She found nothing on the exrays, but opened the tooth and, in fact, found an infection and drained a lot of puss from the area inside the tooth. She didn t finish the root canal to be able to make sure it was healing. i was supposed to go back in two weeks. It has been one week, and the chewing pain has returned, throbbing continues and has moved to my lower jaw as well and all pain seems to affect #3 and the one in front and behind it. No visible swelling (though I was very swollen after the draining and am slightly swollen in the top front of my gums by the tooth). I am going back to the endodontist today. Is this possibly NOT a root issue and a bone issue? Nothing is showing up on the xrays, yet I am STILL in pain. New pain developed yesterday- at random (not eating or drinking or out in cold or anything) it feels like I am being stabbed in my teeth from the bottom up in random spurts of pain. What is going on?