Welcome to HCM,
With joint problems and painful movement, the first thing I suggest to my patients is to lower
carbohydrate intake and avoid all added sugars, sweetened beverages. Carbohydrates are not metabolized the same in sedentary as with active clients.I know you exercise every day, but how long, at what
heart rate, etc?
Increase your intake of fresh or frozen blueberries and anti-oxidants. I also suggest an omega-3 supplement, from fish or vegetarian from algae. These things should help with your
joint inflammation and pain although I know that these can be caused by your medication.
How long has it been since you had a full thyroid profile? Could it be your medication needs to be lowered? This medication may also cause
lactose intolerance and gas. You are being treated for
hyperthyroidism. You will need to be constantly monitored and have your medication adjusted as needed.
I suggest you eat lean only sources of protein, healthy fats and low carbohydrate for now. I strongly advise you see a Dietitian for a meal plan, med review and exercise program.
Sincerely, Kathy J Shattler, MS,RDN