hi, good evening sir,,
i am 23 yr old, i had an affair wit my grl frnd,,
we participated in sex on the last month 15th,
she had the regular periods,, before we participated in the sex she had her periods on 35th of may.
in this month she didint had the period so we chechked with the pregnancy card(prega news),
she got the result positive confirming the pregnancy,,
then she started the tablets misoprost-200, on 15th of this month in the noon time,,, after 3 hrs she started her periods,, on that day itself,,, she used 2 tablets,,, and stopped,,,,
on the day of 18th we checked again we got the result positive again,,, as the physican told that tahe pregnanacy wil be gone as soon as the bleeding starts, but we rfeared of the pregnancay how can we control plz help me,, how to over come this situation,, how to remove it with medicines