Hi Shaivy,
Don't get stressed.
What is your and your wife's age and BMI?
You see not all women trying for conception will conceive immediately.
It is known that of young couples trying to conceive 80% will conceive in the first year. Of the remaining 50% will conceive in the next year.
Therefore if your wife is less than 35 years of age and you don't see any apparent problem you can wait for another 4 months trying for natural conception. If she is more than 35yrs of age , then you both should consult gynecologist now.
Ovacare Forte contains micronutrients. It is said to improve fertility. So she may continue to take it.
If your wife doesn't get pregnant in 4 months time, then you both should consult gynecologist. They will do some basic
infertility investigations for both of you. Based on the results of those investigations, treatment will be planned.
Ask your wife to take one tablet of
folic acid daily.
To increase your chances of conception maintain normal BMI, quit
smoking ( if you're a smoker) and have intercourse at least three times in a week.
If you have any further concerns do contact me through Healthcare Magic.