I have gone through your query and can understand your concern..
As per your complain nasal polyps are
soft tissue overgrowth that occurs inside the
nasal cavity commonly due to causes like
chronic sinusitis, allergies,chronic upper
respiratory tract infection etc..
As you also have loss of sense of smell it might be due to sinus congestion caused due to Sinusitis and it can be a probable cause for nasal polyp..
It is true that nasal polyps can recur in case if the underlying irritating cause as explained above does not get resolved..
surgical treatment includes:
-Steroid nasal sprays as it can help in shrinkage of the polyp..
-Steroid injection directly into the polyp can be given as it helps in regression in size of polyp..
In case if there is no improvement then the last option that is left out is surgical excision of polyp..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.