I have been suffering from chronic headaches and migraines for over 2 years now. In the past year, I have noticed that they are often triggered by neck positions. If I lay on my stomach and lift my headache, I get a headache and intense pressure in my head. If I am doing homework or looking at my comupter screen and looking down for an extended amount of time, I get a headache and a neckache. If I look up at the sky or am staring up at something, like a movie theater screen, for too long, I get a headache. I had Xrays done a couple months ago, but my chiropractor said they were normal. My neurologist has not gotten back to me yet on her impression of the images. Any suggestions? I have read stuff about Chiari Malfomation, but I had a brain MRI about 1.5 years ago and it came back clear.