Now that his
typhoid report is negative, I think typhoid should be ruled out.
Loose stools with bad smell could be due to infection or mal-absorption.
You have given a history of two days. Other details are necessary like frequency and his physical health status to start any kind of treatment.
Importantly he needs to take plenty of fluids, preferably mixed with small quantity of salt and sugar or
ORS powder as recommended.
Dehydration due to
diarrhea in the elderly could be life threatening, if severe. If it is persistent, get a stool examination to identify the cause of diarrhea.
Malabsorption if any can also be identified.
Semi-liquid is not much. If it is persistent and incapacitating, meet you doctor to get the tests done to identify the cause.
Never use drugs to stop diarrhea unless prescribed as it can complicate infection and lead to perforation.
If you have any further queries, happy to help again.