Dear Dr. Jain,We've married 2 months ago. Ours was arranged marriage. We've decided from the first day that we would go for family planning until 2 years of our marriage and wouldn't have any child till then. But we haven't taken any precaution as one of our married friend has told us that they are going for 2 years without any precaution. They calculate the days from his wife's period. From the first day of her period they refrain from sex until 5th day and then ejaculate outside till 7-8 days. Again he do the same before 9days of starting her periods. this way they have no problem till now.We've also followed them, but to our disappointment, she has conceived and we got to know that today by the pregnancy test.We both don't want to have this child but if other family members got to know this, they would pressurize us to have this child. In this scenario, what would be our best options?Kindly help us out from this situation.I'm 30 years of age and my wife is 24 years.Thanks & Regards,B.B. Sarkar & M. Sarkar