i suggest the following to prevent the
Cut back on refined food items.Avoid foods that contain white flour like maida, white sugar and other processed foods.
In the morning consume one tablespoon of olive oil along with lemon juice. It works best on an empty stomach, so have it before you eat anything else.
eat plenty of Beans,Apricots,Whole grain bread, (AMLA)Berries,Broccoli,Plums, pears, and apples and nuts, raisins.
Adding condiments like jeera, haldi and ajwain in your food while cooking it is a great way to help digestion.
Mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with 1 glass of orange juice. Drink as needed, but give it time (up to 5 hours) to start working so you don’t overdo it.
drink one cup of
aloe vera juice in the morning.
Drink one glass of prune juice in the morning and one at night to relieve constipation. It should start working within a few hours.
Eat a cup of yogurt with breakfast, and then on its own or with snacks throughout the day.
regular exercise is also a must and also maintain a regular time to evacuate bowels.
hope you find relief