Hello. I just read your concern.
Alpha lipoic acid works on
Diabetic Neuropathy and off course on
Chronic Sciatica.
ALA (ALpha Lipoic Acid) helps to
1. Reduce the sharp,
radiating pain from the pressure on the sciatic nerve
2. Get rid of the burning, numbness and
restlessness sensations
3. Reduce stress and anxiety especially at night when trying to sleep
4. Improve your strength, balance and coordination
There are some good natural treatments for severe RLS. Only thing you need to have some patience with Ayurveda line of treatment.
First of all you need to inculcate some modifications in your lifestyle. I would like to suggest you some tips. Try to follow them.
1.Starting a regular exercise program. Start a regular walk for atleast 15-20 mins. Whenever you feel like walking, just do it. But don't miss it. Make it a schedule for daily. Keep moving to get relieved from RLS. Easy to moderate exercise can help alleviate RLS. Take care of doing over-exercise. Excessive exercise with lots of sweating and hard muscle contractions can aggravate symptoms.
2. Eliminating or reducing caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco in your diet.
3. Ensuring adequate sleep. You can use Chamomile tea as it induces sleep and wards off
sleeplessness, thus relieves RLS
4. Getting leg massages with Ayurvedic oils like Mahanaryan oil. This is the most common oil available in market.
5. Avoiding standing or sitting for long periods of time. As prolonged standing can sometimes cause you oedema.
6. RLS sometimes aggravates due to lack of water. Drink water liberally.
7. Reduce stress by doing breathing techniques,
meditation, Yoga, retiring from late night works, keeping home and office affairs distinct from each other etc. Keep yourself happy as much as you can. Do something what you always enjoy to do.
8. Eat a balanced healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
Since Ayurveda believes that RLS is a disease caused by vitiated VAt in your body. So I will suggest you to follow undermentioned procedures. Please look for a good and experienced panchkarma specialist in your area and take his help.
1. Massage of the afflicted part (butt, lower back and lower limb) using Ayurvedic medicated oils like
Tila Taila (Sesame oil)
Ksheerabala Tailam
Mahamasha Tailam.
2.KAti vasti is very effective in RLS –
Local oil pooling around the lumbar and sacroiliac joints is highly beneficial in RLS and nerve disorders afflicting the lower limbs . This treatment soothes the nerves supplying the lower limb at their origin i.e. in the lower back region, just like treating the roots of the plant.
3. Hot fomentation or sweat inducing treatment.
I hope the above mentioned guidelines helps you. Wish you a speedy recovery.
Dr. Tripat Mehta