What drug or combinations of drugs are being used with the greater success in controlling symtoms. My dr. In 2009 Prescribed Azilect one time a day, trihexyphenidyl three times a day. Currently, I m taking cardidopa/ladopa 25/100 mg. 1 1 /2 in the morning and two rest of day, selegiline one a day and two trihexyphenidyl. I was a firefighter for 34 years and I retired 07.. First symptom was my left leg did not move on demand when I was putting. I still play golf today. Mr doctor is amazed. After ten years I can turn, barely ever have tremors in left hand etc. bad symptoms curling my toes on left foot with digging into ground. Also, wobbling Of hips mainly in lower legs. Plus drooling , skin dryness and getting out of bed. What new drug could becoming in the future that will help all Parkinson s patients with symptoms.