I am sure i have BV back for the third time in 5 years. i took flagyl the last 2 times and it went away. i wont' wanna go to the doctors, i can't stand things stuck up my vagina. Im SURE i have BV. Can i take something over the counter that is not vaginallly inserted I. E. a PILL to cure this? i've been taking probiotic complex from GNC and drinking cranberry juice. I heard of drinking alka selzer. is that a good idea? i won't use vaginal treatments or go to the doctors. I also have a yellow tongue, no burning down there, just a little bit of discharge witha bit of a smell, it is not as bad as the last 2 times. not as yelllow in underwear. There is no itching or burning. I have had the yellow tongue for about a week. The taste isn't too good.......